Wizard World NOLA: Cosplay & Art

Due to previous Wizard World NOLAs and my dear friend Michelle from NerdyGras, I was committed to attend this year’s con! The excitement was only intensified when the line up was announced! I still remember the morning I was talking to a coworker and Michelle texted me with “CHRIS EVANS IS COMING TO WIZARD WORLD!” Thank goodness for great friends! Yes, I may have squeed. Yes, I jumped online to purchase a ticket. Yes, I have no shame in my inner fangirl. #OwnIt

I have always found cons enjoyable, from vendors to cosplayers, panels to autograph and photo ops, there are a ton of things to keep a nerd busy and happy. However, the trick to elevate your con experience to the next level is to surround yourself with the best people. My nerd loves Michelle (NerdyGras) and Laura, along with Sully and Steve (Nerd Fu) AND a visit from Show and Talk’s, Sandrene, made it a fantastic con!!!


Check out some of my favorite cosplay and vendors below. There will be two additional articles featuring panel information and autograph/photo experiences.


This photo op was not staged, I promise! I was in the Starbucks line at the convention and there she was, reading at the table!!! Perfect? I think so. I went up to her after I got my coffee to get her info.


Belle: Robin Bowman

There were quite a few Arrows along with Trent.


Arrow: Trent Debautte

Brandon was quite phenomenal with a collapsible bow!

Green Arrow Brandon


And look at the cutest BB8 ever!


BB8: Raisha

I also had to include a more formal Belle! Tabitha was nice enough to walk over to me while I was in line for autographs!


Belle: Tabitha

Sure! Two Daredevils are better than one!


Matt Murdock: Seth Dubois and Daredevil: Gaige Chilton

This particular doll is close to my heart! Say hello to Laura! She is rocking this awesome CapGirl cosplay. Wait until you see her photo with Chris Evans in the next post, it is amazing!


USO Show Girl aka CapGirl

I myself joined in on the fun and cosplayed for the second time as Peggy. Luckily, I had these items in my professional closet already, and doubly lucky, the Season 2 promo images were released before the convention!

Peggy: Me & my prop Cap ;)

Peggy: Me & a pretty good Cap 😉

There were quite a few cosplayers that were epic! I saw a dapper-top hat Galactus and there was some awesome Beetlejuice cosplays as well that I was desperate to photograph, but was stuck in photo op lines!



The talent was strong and full of familiar faces, but these are a handful of my new favorite artists! Laura approves of Scott Straka’s artistic talents! You can find him at his website and Facebook.


Scott Straka Art

I could not get over these throw pillows by Craft Encounters of the Nerd Kind, I seriously wanted to buy everything!!! You can find this sweet lady on Etsy and Facebook.


Craft Encounters of the Nerd Kind

Caleb King is a super cool dude where I got the Captain America shield piece at the forefront of the table for autographs. It’s really tough to find awesome vertical pieces and these meet that need fantastically! You can find him at his website and Facebook!


Caleb King

The talent at this table was insane! It is a hubby-wife duo and they have an array of pieces from the comic variety to Whovian to Game of Thrones and more. I had to purchase Jon Snow and Crowley pieces. You can find Brent and Kayla on their website and Brent’s Facebook and Kayla’s Facebook.

Michelle and I became obsessed with the following talented lady’s artwork! I mean look at that little Deadpool and Spidey or Galactus with his planet ice cream cone or little Groot?! Michelle bought a couple of pieces to add to her Little Mermaid collection while I was obsessing over that little Thanos on the bottom right. I mean, come on. You can find Bianca’s art on her website and Facebook.


Well, it is safe to say that we would’ve spent an obscene amount of money if we had unlimited funds. It’s expensive being a nerd! Please visit the artists we’ve listed and support them! We hope to interview some of them soon. Keep and eye out for part two and three of my Wizard World adventures and you can catch more on Wizard World NOLA at NerdFu and NerdyGras!

Nerd On!
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