Top Nerdy 10: Typeface Edition

Greetings, logophiles! My name is Rach and I am a self-proclaimed typeface junkie nerd/diva (I use both interchangeably). In the hierarchy of things that are closest to my heart: #1. Family/friends, #2. Sea salt dark chocolate, #3. Typefaces. Yes, I have issues. I am cognizant of this. And while I could go into a maniacal TED-talk deep dive dissertation on the difference between fonts and typefaces (if you are interested, this article by Fast Code Design is the most comprehensive guide I’ve found), I thought that I would spare you the lecture. You’re welcome. So without further ado here is my Top Nerdy 10 typefaces. Enjoy.

10. Plantagenet Cherokee

plantagenet-cherokee typeface

I have a soft spot for serifed typefaces. I am serif trash. Serifed typefaces are like a cozy warm blanket for my eyes. Note to self: come up with better analogies.

9. HaloHandletter


Pretty and unasuming. A script font that doesn’t scream ‘tacky wedding invitation’ is a win in my book.

8. Steelfish


If you need a typeface that demands attention, go with Steelfish. It’s bold without being too in your face.

7. Wisdom Script AI


Normally script typefaces are dainty but Wisdom Script is pretty and has substance. If When I grow up, I want to be her.

6. Gill Sans MT


I find sans serif fonts to be rather boring, but I’ll make an exception (or two). Gill and I go way back. I used this font throughout my university career. We are best buddies.

5. Roehampton

roehampton typeface

Roehampton is the perfect condensed, pseudo all caps typeface. She is sophisticated without trying too hard. I can only wish I was that effortless.

4. Lavanderia


Okay font designers, let me level with you. If you’re going to swoosh, go full swoosh. Follow Lavanderia’s lead. Swooshes everywhere.

3. Tw Cen MT


My go-to design font. I use this as my sans serif body text. Good ole reliable Tw Cen MT or as I like to call is Twenty Cent Mountain (Why am I so weird?).

2. Palatino Linotype


When it comes to serif typefaces, this one is one of the best. She’s the cooler cousin of Times New Roman.

And my Number 1 typeface is… *drumroll* COMIC SANS!

Ha! I couldn’t even type that with a straight face. Don’t at me, please.

1. Garamond

garamond typeface

Classic. Beautiful. Just the perfect typeface. Not that I’m biased or the fact that our gorgeous logo, designed by our in house designical nerd, Roni, is Garamond. I don’t see how that’s relevant. Garamond is the queen of typefaces. Full stop.

Do you have a favourite typeface? Are you slightly weirded out that there are people out there that are obsessed delightfully nerdy about either one? Let me know in the comments section 😉 I will now leave you with Creative Market‘s own delightful TNT list, showcasing “Fonts That Designers Love To Hate” (and by font, I’m sure they mean typeface). Enjoy!

‘Til next time,
top nerdy 10

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