Top Nerdy 10: News Bites (05.11.18)

It’s been a long hiatus, but I have returned! Let’s take a look at this week’s nerdy news bites!

moriarty miss me

It’s ok if you didn’t.

10. Deadpool Take-Over

If you’re not following Ryan, you’re doing it wrong! You miss priceless gems like this…

9. Sabrina

I’m excited for a creepier Sabrina on Netflix. Are you looking forward to it?

8. Met Gala

So many of our fandoms were represented at the MetGala, plus as cosplayers, we love creative fashion. I have to give props to Zendaya for a look I want a movie created for! Also, Bosslogic, you’re the best!

7. James Gunn

Gunn broke the internet’s heart this week

6. Jordan Peele

Excited for the new project!

5. All About the (DC) Ladies

Yes, please!

4. Captain Marvel

Cap Marvel welcomes Annette Benning and Vik Sahay to the cast!!!

3. The Predator

The new trailer is up, and it looks pretty good! Who’s excited for the reboot?

2. A Russo Response

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This proves it. 

1. Bill and Ted

The dudes are returning, and I am super excited. I thought the premise could go so many ways, and the proposed premise is an excellent direction to the story!

Bonus News Bite: TLM

We have the final trailer for the live action (non-Disney) The Little Mermaid.

What did you see this week that you’re excited about in the nerdom?! Let me know below, and don’t forget to like, follow, and subscribe!

Nerd On!

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