It’s been a long hiatus, but I have returned! Let’s take a look at this week’s nerdy news bites!
It’s ok if you didn’t.
10. Deadpool Take-Over
If you’re not following Ryan, you’re doing it wrong! You miss priceless gems like this…
I love spending time with Brolin. Mostly because it helps me appreciate all the times I’m not with Brolin. ??
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) May 6, 2018
9. Sabrina
I’m excited for a creepier Sabrina on Netflix. Are you looking forward to it?
The Netflix reboot of #SabrinaTheTeenageWitch has a title:
— Entertainment Weekly (@EW) May 7, 2018
8. Met Gala
So many of our fandoms were represented at the MetGala, plus as cosplayers, we love creative fashion. I have to give props to Zendaya for a look I want a movie created for! Also, Bosslogic, you’re the best!
Let’s do this right, #BestDressed #metgala @Zendaya ?️?️
— BossLogic (@Bosslogic) May 8, 2018
7. James Gunn
Gunn broke the internet’s heart this week
WTF James!!!! ????????️❤️?
— Nerdy Curiosities (@nerdycurious) May 8, 2018
6. Jordan Peele
Excited for the new project!
Jordan Peele’s follow-up to Get Out is called Us and its cast sounds amazing
— Gizmodo (@Gizmodo) May 9, 2018
5. All About the (DC) Ladies
Yes, please!
An “R-rated girl gang film” featuring Harley Quinn? Yes, please!
— Collider (@Collider) May 9, 2018
4. Captain Marvel
Cap Marvel welcomes Annette Benning and Vik Sahay to the cast!!!
Exclusive: Annette Bening in talks to join #CaptainMarvel
— Hollywood Reporter (@THR) May 9, 2018
3. The Predator
The new trailer is up, and it looks pretty good! Who’s excited for the reboot?
Watch the new teaser for #ThePredator now, in theaters everywhere September 14.
— Predator (@Predator) May 10, 2018
2. A Russo Response
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This proves it.
— Russo Brothers (@Russo_Brothers) May 10, 2018
1. Bill and Ted
The dudes are returning, and I am super excited. I thought the premise could go so many ways, and the proposed premise is an excellent direction to the story!
After over 25 years of waiting, we are finally getting a 3rd Bill and Ted movie!
— IGN (@IGN) May 8, 2018
Bonus News Bite: TLM
We have the final trailer for the live action (non-Disney) The Little Mermaid.
What did you see this week that you’re excited about in the nerdom?! Let me know below, and don’t forget to like, follow, and subscribe!
Nerd On!