Top Nerdy 10: News Bites 05.05.16

Happy May the Fourth and Revenge of the Fifth nerds! (Whatever strikes your fancy, we don’t judge.)
news 050516Here we are with another set of nerdy news bites for you to devour. Let’s do it.

10 Independence Day

“The world has changed, and so have we. See how far Earth has come since the War of 1996, in this special report from UWN.” Check out the almost 5-minute video featuring Jeff Goldblum and others describing what has been accomplished since the “War of 1996”. Man, I feel old.

9 The Flash

The CW Flash (not the DCCU Flash), has gotten really interesting and we hope you’re caught up! Next week is Kevin Smith’s awaited episode, and I am excited! Check out the trailer below. Looks pretty badass and twisty. It has also been confirmed Kevin will be returning to direct a Season 3 episode. Glad to see everyone wants to have him back. See more here.

8 Game of Thrones

Ok, if you are not caught up and by some miracle have not had the biggest “thing” about the episode spoiled for you, then props to you for avoiding the interwebs and skip this news bite.

Insert every kind of nerdgasm squee noise here. Watch one of the most accurate reaction videos made to the “incident” below.

7 May the Fourth

The bromance between Hamilton’s Lin-Manuel Miranda and J.J. Abrams has been strong, and it hit high levels this week. For those who may not know, Lin wrote the cantina song that plays when Rey, Han, and Finn are at Maz’. Both J.J. and Lin performed it live and it was epic. J.J. you have a lovely voice!

6 Russo Bros.

The Russos have been amazing about keeping fans a part of the Civil War red carpet premieres and events. During a few interviews, they have revealed many great nerdy interests. One of these is agreeing that a solo Black Widow film would be awesome. See more details here.
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5 Russo Bros. Continued

Great questions from Collider showcasing the awesome nerds Joe and Anthony are. Check out the video below where they discuss Wolverine, the Infinity War films and more.

4 Infinity War

Hm, speaking of Infinity War and the Russo brothers, it seems the movie titles will be changed. Due to the different nature of each film, I assume they’ll have a “subtitle” of some sort which better describes it’s story. See more details here.
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Happy 8th Birthday to the MCU! May you continue to be marvelous!
I wonder if we can come up with a phrase like May the Fourth for Marvel day. Hmm, think on it nerds and get back to me.
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2 Tech

Sony is aiming for smart contact lenses that will allow you to record and play back video. The Japanese tech giants describe the idea as “a contact lens and storage medium capable of controlling an image pickup unit provided in the contact lens.” Interesting but this may permit folks to take some creepy photos? See more here.
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1 Space

Nerds in the southern hemisphere or near the tropical regions of the northern hemisphere, you will have a clearer view of the Eta Aquarid meteor shower which are particles from Halley’s Comet. See more here.
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Bonus: Nerd 001

Congratulations to The Nerd Machine’s Nerd 001, Zachary Levi on his Tony nomination! We are so proud of you darlin’! If you haven’t seen She Loves Me at Studio 54, run. The show has been extended, so go see this amazing cast.
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What other nerdy news bites did you guys love this week? We will be venturing to the theater to see a small independent film called Civil War. It’s safe to say, this will be me this weekend.
news 050516You know the drill nerds. Follow, Like and Subscribe.

Don’t forget it’s Mother’s Day!
Nerd On,
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