Top Nerdy 10: News Bites (06.30.17)

We’ve made it to the end of June and CON SEASON is just around the corner!!! Woot Woot! Let’s countdown the nerdy news for the… Continue reading
We’ve made it to the end of June and CON SEASON is just around the corner!!! Woot Woot! Let’s countdown the nerdy news for the… Continue reading
NC Gives – Harry Potter Loot It’s that time again! We are here to shower some love on our lovely followers. And this time, we’re… Continue reading
If you could write a love letter to any fictional character, who would it be? This was our thematic question this week, and I could… Continue reading
Hello all you lovely nerds! We have been very busy here at NC, from planning content to becoming more “legit” in the adulting sense. The… Continue reading
Welcome to part 3 of my Wizard World nerd-venture! I typically love to attend panels in the hopes of discovering new things, I sadly could… Continue reading
Welcome to part 2 of my nerd-venture to Wizard World NOLA! As I mentioned previously, the people you attend a con with can really enhance… Continue reading
Due to previous Wizard World NOLAs and my dear friend Michelle from NerdyGras, I was committed to attend this year’s con! The excitement was only… Continue reading
Hello, nerds! Our fearless leader Roni ventured to NOLA this past weekend for Wizard World alongside Nerdy Gras and the fellas from Nerd Fu. We… Continue reading