Nerdie Foodie: New Year, Nerd Fit – Healthy Treats

new year nerd fit healthy treats

Feeling peckish, Nerdie Foodies? With all those breakfast as well as soup, salad, and side options so far in our New Year, Nerd Fit series,… Continue reading

Nerdie Foodie: Minnie & Friends Disneyland Breakfast

nerdie foodie character breakfast with minnie and firiends

Welcome back to another Nerdie Foodie! This week will be a first for us! As requested, we will be diving into our experience at the… Continue reading

Top Nerdy 10: Year of the Pig & My Favorite Pigs

Top Nerdy 10 Year of the Pig My Favorite Pigs

Yesterday was the Lunar New Year and it’s the Year of the Pig so today I am counting down Top Nerdy Ten My Favorite Pigs… Continue reading

Nerdie Foodie: Winnie the Pooh

nerdie foodie winnie the pooh christopher robin

Nerdie Foodies! Who is excited for Christopher Robin? We sure are! Rach and Roni have already seen it and loved it. To get us into… Continue reading

Top Nerdy 10: News Bites 03.09.18

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Another week full of nerdy news bites, check out 10 of them below!  10. The Oscars Congratulations to all of the winners and a special… Continue reading

Nerdie Foodie: Disney Tsum Tsum

nerdie foodie disney tsum tsum

Welcome to another Nerdie Foodie post! This week is all about Disney’s Tsum Tsums. Seriously, can they get any cuter than these things? They’re just… Continue reading

Top Nerdy 10: News Bites (04.28.17)

nerdy news april 28 2017

Month #4 of 2017 is nearly complete and we are rapidly approaching nerd mecca time. Let’s take a look back at the week with your… Continue reading

Top Nerdy 10: News Bites (04.21.17)

nerdy news april 21, 2017

Another week of nerdy goodness! Escape the norm and enjoy some nerdy news bites. 10. Kingsman Ready for Kingsman? Yes, please. 9. Guardians 3 May… Continue reading