Nerdie Foodie: A Winter High Tea Adventure

High Tea. What is it about this event that makes us feel slightly under-dressed, intrigued, yet utterly excited all at the same time? Now, throw… Continue reading

Nerdie Foodie: Tour de New Orleans 2019

nerdie foodie tour de new orleans

NOLA, New Orleans, you go by many a name. This was a Nerdie Foodie’s dream trip! And did we work up an appetite to check… Continue reading

Nerdie Foodie: Pie Day 2019

Nerdie Foodies it is Pie Day!! AHHHHH!! Who is as excited for pie on Pi Day?? We love a good pie here at NC, so… Continue reading

Nerdie Foodie: Dining, Con Style

Welcome back Nerdie Foodies! This week at NC we are showcasing some amazing nerds! When we go to cons (aka. conventions for the un-initiated) the… Continue reading