Nerdie Foodie: Detective Pikachu

nerdie foodie detective pikachu

What is cooking Nerdie Foodies? If you haven’t heard, there’s a certain electric Pokémon coming our way for a visit! That’s right! Detective Pikachu is… Continue reading

Nerdie Foodie: Winnie the Pooh

nerdie foodie winnie the pooh christopher robin

Nerdie Foodies! Who is excited for Christopher Robin? We sure are! Rach and Roni have already seen it and loved it. To get us into… Continue reading

Nerdie Foodie: Super Mario Bros

Hellooo Nerdie Foodies! It has been quite the Nerdstalgia week! This week, we are going all out with Super Mario Brothers! A classic Nintendo video… Continue reading

Nerdie Foodie: The Jungle Book Edition

Hello Nerdie Foodies! Today we head to the jungle, for the premiere of Disney’s live action adaptation of The Jungle Book! So let’s get to the… Continue reading