Fan Expo Canada 2018: Panels

Since this was my first time at Fan Expo Canada, I wanted to attend as many panels as I could fit around seeing everything else.… Continue reading
Since this was my first time at Fan Expo Canada, I wanted to attend as many panels as I could fit around seeing everything else.… Continue reading
Another week of nerdy news bites. Let’s check out 10 of the week. You may have noticed there were no news bites last week. Namely,… Continue reading
What a whirlwind of a weekend! I’m not going to lie, I think my fingers are a little bit twooted out after all the live… Continue reading
Holy nerdy news bomb, Batman! I have a feeling next week is going to be a slow news week due to the sheer amount released.… Continue reading
Back to our regularly scheduled program after a much needed week off. Ok, busy nerds, let’s take a look at some nerdy news bites you… Continue reading
It’s been another week loaded of nerdy goodness! Enjoy your nerdy news bites below. 10. Apes! Check out the final trailer for War For the… Continue reading
Happy Cinco de Mayo!!! Who’s celebrating by watching Guardians of the Galaxy?! Raises hand. #NerdPriorities Let’s check out what the nerdy news bites look like… Continue reading
Good Morrow, dear nerds! It’s another splendid day in 2017 and do we have some delicious Nerdy News Bites for you! Continue reading
It’s that time of year Nerdie Foodies! Winter has officially arrived and the holidays are a couple days away. What a better way to stay… Continue reading
Merry Nerdmas! In preparation for the gift giving season, I’ve provided some holiday gift guides the last few weeks. It might be too late to… Continue reading