FanExpo Dallas 2019: Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! Interview

nerd con fanexpo dallas 2019 ripley's believe it or not interview

We had the amazing opportunity to interview with Suzanne from Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! at FanExpo Dallas this year! She shared with us stories… Continue reading

FanExpo Dallas 2019: Vendors & Artists & Zac, Oh My!

nerd con fanexpo dallas 2019 overview

FanExpo Dallas 2019 proved to be another for the record books! It continues to be one of our favorite conventions to attend. The options provided… Continue reading

A Nerd’s Menagerie: Labor Day Decorating Nerdy Shelves

nerdy shelves

How did I spend my long Labor Day weekend? Happily organizing my home. Scintillating, I know, but I’ve been traveling a lot and with a… Continue reading