Nerdie Foodie: Dean Winchester’s Favourite Things

nerdie foodie dean winchesters favourite foods

Good day Nerdie Foodies! Today is Dean Winchester’s birthday! What a better way to celebrate than with all of his favourite things – food. After… Continue reading

Nerdie Foodie: Chimi Your Way to Deadpool 2

nerdie foodie deadpool 2

Hello Nerdie Foodies! Who is ready for more shenanigans from the neighbourhood merc? I think we can do one better and get you Deadpool ready… Continue reading

Nerdie Foodie: Live Long and Prosper

Hey there Nerdie Foodies! We are still doing all things Star Trek this week. I have gone down a black hole of re-watching various clips… Continue reading

Nerdie Foodie: Sweets & Treats for 2018

Welcome to 2018 Nerdie Foodies! This week is all about the smart and resourcefully strong women in television and cinema. They are fictional characters of… Continue reading

Nerdie Foodie: Deadpool Meets Valentine’s Day Edition

Hello Foodies! Happy early Valentine’s Day! Oh and it’s the premiere of Deadpool too! So does this mean it’s a Valenpool Day? Or a Deadentine… Continue reading

Nerdy Foodie: Nerdy Winter Soups and Stews

Welcome back Foodies! So this week, to help us warm up during this cold winter weather we’re turning to soups and stews. But what if you… Continue reading