ACE Seattle 2019: Panels and Photo-Ops

Well Curious Crowd, it’s been a week and we have finally recovered from our return adventure to Seattle for ACE Con 2019! We’re still completely… Continue reading
Well Curious Crowd, it’s been a week and we have finally recovered from our return adventure to Seattle for ACE Con 2019! We’re still completely… Continue reading
November, how did you get here so fast and what nerdy news bites have you brought? 10. It Chapter 2 Appropriately released yesterday… Who’s ready?… Continue reading
Another week, another collection of nerdy news bites! Can you believe it is already the middle of September? You know what that means, nerds. The… Continue reading
There goes the first week of September, and Fall can’t get here fast enough! Let’s take a look at a few nerdy news bites that… Continue reading
Month #4 of 2017 is nearly complete and we are rapidly approaching nerd mecca time. Let’s take a look back at the week with your… Continue reading
Another week of nerdy goodness! Escape the norm and enjoy some nerdy news bites. 10. Kingsman Ready for Kingsman? Yes, please. 9. Guardians 3 May… Continue reading
Hey nerds, here we are again with another week of nerdy goodness for you. You can always count on nerdy news bites to pop up… Continue reading
After a long few weeks of con coverage, I have returned! Thank you to the lovely Rachel for stepping in, in my time of need.… Continue reading
It’s that time nerds. Time for your weekly recap of nerdy bites! 10. Preacher Premiering Sunday, May 22nd on AMC, a new Preacher trailer has… Continue reading
Can you believe it’s the last week of January?! Where is the TARDIS when you need it! OK nerds, lets get this party started! Continue reading