Nerdie Foodie: 2017 Foodie Inspirations

The weather outside is still snowy, icy, and just dang cold on this side of the pond! And this Nerdie Foodie is still craving for… Continue reading
The weather outside is still snowy, icy, and just dang cold on this side of the pond! And this Nerdie Foodie is still craving for… Continue reading
During the Easter long weekend, I decided to check out the brand new Ladurée (Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram) which opened its doors March 24th and Rach… Continue reading
It’s Monday! Hope it was, well… I can safely say Mondays usually have us leaping optimistically towards it, like so. My Monday after vacationing, however,… Continue reading
Whoooo-eeeee, Foodies! It’s time for some awesomely amazing food and a whole lot timey wimey bevies! So hop into this fabulous tasty TARDIS and allons-y! Continue reading
Hello Foodies! Time to wrap up this week’s theme: Batman! ♪ Nanananananana Batman! Batman! ♫ Okay I’m good. Where were we? Oh yes, Batman! We’ve… Continue reading
Foodies! Welcome back to another Foodie Friday. Better yet, today is release day for The Peanuts Movie!!!!! That’s right folks! Lucy, Linus, Charlie Brown, Snoopy… Continue reading
Foooooddddiiieeeesss, it’s zombie week! We’ve got brains, brains, eyeballs, some other gross stuff, and did I mention brains? Oh, right, and brains! So without further… Continue reading
Hellloo Foodies! As we wrap up witchy week here at NC headquarters, let’s check out a few witch inspired edibles for Halloween this year. So… Continue reading
♪ Look at this trove, treasures untold. How many wonders can one cavern hold? Looking around here you’d think, sure, she’s got everything… ♪ Hellooo… Continue reading
Hellooo Nerds! This week is a special one. In honour of Nerd 001, aka Mr. Zachary Levi’s, birthday, we are getting Tangled in some amazing… Continue reading