FanExpo Dallas 2019: Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! Interview

We had the amazing opportunity to interview with Suzanne from Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! at FanExpo Dallas this year! She shared with us stories… Continue reading
We had the amazing opportunity to interview with Suzanne from Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! at FanExpo Dallas this year! She shared with us stories… Continue reading
FanExpo Dallas 2019 proved to be another for the record books! It continues to be one of our favorite conventions to attend. The options provided… Continue reading
This May the 4th will be our four-year blogiversary and will be our third year to attend Dallas FanExpo! FXD quickly became one of our… Continue reading
Overall Con Experience I have been fortunate to attend Dallas FanExpo at least seven times and have covered it as press four times. As a… Continue reading
Last week we attended some great Panels at Fan Expo Dallas 2018. Though there were many great panels to cover we were able to sit… Continue reading
With four Disney voice actresses present at Fan Expo Dallas 2018, it’s no surprise there was a Belle and an Ariel at every turn! But… Continue reading
Nerdie Foodies! I am back from our NC reunion adventures in Houston and Dallas! I’m pretty sure I know I gained a few extra pounds… Continue reading
We at NC are excited about providing the Curious Crowd with our upcoming press coverage at Fan Expo Dallas. Anyone who knows us well knows… Continue reading
We Curious ladies will be attending FanExpo Dallas April 6-8 this year. Why is this con special you ask? Well, let us list off the… Continue reading
Welcome back Nerdie Foodies! This week at NC we are showcasing some amazing nerds! When we go to cons (aka. conventions for the un-initiated) the… Continue reading