Fan Expo Canada 2018: Vendors and Artist Alley

nerd con fanexpo canada 2018 vendors artist alley

FXC is spread over both buildings of the Metro Toronto Convention Center, which meant the show floor was divided up into two so that each… Continue reading

Fan Expo Canada 2018: Panels

fanexpo canada 2018 panels

Since this was my first time at Fan Expo Canada, I wanted to attend as many panels as I could fit around seeing everything else.… Continue reading

Nerdie Foodie: Fan Expo Canada and The Six (Toronto)

nerdie foodie fan expo canada 2018 toronto

Hello there Nerdie Foodies! I know it’s been a while since we’ve had a fresh new posting. As you’ve probably noticed, we’ve been busy with… Continue reading

Fan Expo Canada 2018: Cosplay

fanexpo canada cosplay

There were a lot of fabulous cosplayers during all four days of the convention. I was only able to capture a very small portion of… Continue reading