Nerds ‘R Us: How to Find Other Nerds in the Wild

Hey there, fellow nerds! Are you tired of hiding your inner geekiness, only revealing your true colors when you’re safely tucked away in your… Continue reading
Hey there, fellow nerds! Are you tired of hiding your inner geekiness, only revealing your true colors when you’re safely tucked away in your… Continue reading
Half of the NC crew is headed to Seattle next week to cover ACE Comic Con! Yes, the rest of us are jelly, but make… Continue reading
We had the amazing opportunity to interview with Suzanne from Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! at FanExpo Dallas this year! She shared with us stories… Continue reading
FanExpo Dallas 2019 proved to be another for the record books! It continues to be one of our favorite conventions to attend. The options provided… Continue reading
This May the 4th will be our four-year blogiversary and will be our third year to attend Dallas FanExpo! FXD quickly became one of our… Continue reading
Salutation, Curious Crowd? We’ve made it to the last day of our panel recap from FanExpo Vancouver! Allons-y! Kevin Conroy The crowd was treated with… Continue reading