Top Nerdy 10: News Bites (12.08.16)

Here’s to another week of nerdy news bites! We only have three weeks left and 2016 will come to a close. 10 SPIDER-… First a… Continue reading

Nerd Con: SDCC 2016 Exhibits, Vendors, & Artists

nerd con sdcc vendors artist alley show floor

Greetings nerds! We have been busy recapping our SDCC & Nerd HQ journey this past week; everything from cosplay, food, to panels galore, but we… Continue reading

Nerd Con: FanExpo Dallas 2016 Cosplay & Vendors

Dallas FanExpo

Every convention consists of people who put so much time and dedication into creating amazing cosplay, nerdy art and wares! We’re going to take a… Continue reading