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Nerds ‘R Us: Halloween 2017 Special

HALLOWEEN! It is upon us, Halloween. We hope your plans include more sweets than you can bear, and of course goose bumps galore. In fact,… Continue reading
HALLOWEEN! It is upon us, Halloween. We hope your plans include more sweets than you can bear, and of course goose bumps galore. In fact,… Continue reading
NC Gives – Harry Potter Loot It’s that time again! We are here to shower some love on our lovely followers. And this time, we’re… Continue reading
The word hero gets thrown around a lot. We all have our own personal heroes – parents, grandparents, business partners, fellow blog writers. And then… Continue reading
He spoke eloquently and passionately about his love for space and music. But what I will remember most from spending an evening in concert with Chris… Continue reading