SDCC 2019: Hall H

nerd con san diego comic con sdcc 2019 hall h panels

It only took us six years, but we finally made it into the hallowed ground that is San Diego Comic Con’s Hall H! Check out… Continue reading

Top Nerdy 10: News Bites (11.23.18)

top nerdy 10 news bites november 23 2018

To our American members of the Curious Crowd family, we hope you and yours had a marvelous Thanksgiving. And while you recover from that post-turkey… Continue reading

Top Nerdy 10: News Bites (02.02.18)

top nerdy 10 news bites february 02 2018

How is it already February?! At least we have Black Panther to look forward to this month and many more nerdy news bites in the… Continue reading

Top Nerdy 10: News Bites (05.19.17)

news 051917 cvr

It’s been another week loaded of nerdy goodness! Enjoy your nerdy news bites below. 10. Apes! Check out the final trailer for War For the… Continue reading

Top Nerdy 10: News Bites (11.25.16 –12.01.16)

If you have room after all the Thanksgiving nummies, have a taste of these nerdy bites. 10 Spellbound Marvel and Funko have released a short… Continue reading

Top Nerdy 10: Nerd HQ 2016 Edition

top nerdy 10 nerd hq 2016

NERD HQ 2016!!! There were way too many memorable moments but we’ll try to narrow them down to ten. Here are just a fraction of… Continue reading

Top Nerdy 10: News Bites 04.08.16

top nerdy 10 news bites

Man, the nerdom was getting sucker punched in the feels this week; the nerdy news was complete madness! Yes, we’re going to relive some highs… Continue reading

10 Nerdy News Bites

Can you believe it’s the last week of January?! Where is the TARDIS when you need it! OK nerds, lets get this party started! Continue reading