Top Nerdy 10: Boy Band Hits Edition

Greetings, Curious Crowd! Recently, I revisited my very first TNT and felt an instant wave of nostalgia. So to celebrate that post’s fifth anniversary, I… Continue reading
Greetings, Curious Crowd! Recently, I revisited my very first TNT and felt an instant wave of nostalgia. So to celebrate that post’s fifth anniversary, I… Continue reading
Greetings, Curious Crowd! Are you ready to take a break and throw up those Hs for our Top Nerdy 10 (duel commandments)? We hope you… Continue reading
Well, Zelda, looks like it’s the big 3-0 club for the both of us this year… Time to kick off our shoes and dance to… Continue reading
As we usher in a new year, let’s take a look back at all the wonderful Top Nerdy lists of 2015. 10. LEGO Stop Motion Video… Continue reading
Greetings nerds! Well… It’s finally here!!! Star Wars: The Force Awakens!!! THIS IS A SPOILER FREE ZONE UNTIL I CAN GET TO THE THEATRE! *ahem* To… Continue reading
Welcome to another rousing Top Nerdy 10! I’m your host, Miss Gosh-I-Really-Need-A-Life Rach! Today we will be delving into the fun world of music videos.… Continue reading
Hello nerds of the interwebs! When my dear friend and webmistress, Roni, politely conceded after I hounded her for months to let me be a part… Continue reading