Welcome back to another Nerdy Knits & Crochets! On this edition I will be focusing on knits and crochets that are tiny. This is a trend that I have seen sweeping the Internet. People are in love with these teeny, tiny creations.
First I will start with Suami whose shop can be found on Etsy here.
Just look at these adorable little nuggets of awesome-ness!!! How does someone do that?!
Our next featured crafter is The Geeky Hooker whose tagline is, “Not that kind of hooker, the one armed with a crochet hook.” Every year she crochets up a bunch of “critters” to hide in San Diego during the week of Comic Con. Anyone lucky enough to find one of her critters is welcome to keep it but she always appreciates a picture of the critter finder with the little treasure. This year she hid 8 critters, and all 8 were found! She has many other critters available for adoption. 3 out of the 5 of these were among those found in San Diego.
How awesome are these!? I will admit to being just a tad jealous that I didn’t manage to snag any of these cuties this year, but I shall keep my eyes peeled next year (and you should too!).
Here are some more examples of awesome, tiny crocheted creations:
Lego Jayne hat by @ellebeie
Weeping Angel by Shirley MacDonald on Ravelry
Super Mario Brothers key cozy by Sheila Toy Stromberg on Ravelry
Pusheen Cat by icrochetthings
Pokemon finger puppets by amapoet via Craftster community forum
Dobby by Ruby Copperfield via Craftster community forum
Navi or Golden Snitch by Louis Mensinger on Ravelry
The talent of you nerdy knitters and crocheters is almost enough to make me wanna learn this craft. I will be on the lookout for some more nerdy knits and crochets. If you have done a nerd knit/crochet, or have seen some impressive work you’d like us to feature please send pics and links to the original source to [email protected]
Until next time, and as always, stay nerdy my friends!