Good morrow dearest nerds! We are so excited to bring you our Nerds R Us with the 3D Printing Nerd, Joel Telling!!! *insert the highest of fives!*
On this edition we’ll talk about riding a dinosaur, #SnuggleMittens, Hug Science and of course…..
POO! Get the poop on Mr. Telling below!
Isn’t he just the best? We think everyone should have a pocket sized Joel in case of the need for an emergency high five! (Check out the adorable interaction between Sydney and Matt Smith at Nerd HQ here)
Be sure to check out Joel’s channel on YouTube! Give his videos a thumbs up and if you haven’t already please subscribe! You can also check out Joel’s videos every Tuesday on The Nerd Machine!
We thoroughly enjoyed talking to Joel and we can’t wait to give him the highest of fives and some hug science when we see him in San Diego this July!
Stay Nerdy, my friends!