Nerds ‘R Us: D23 and SDCC 2017 Recap

Salutations Nerds!

We are back and ready to share from our California nerdventures! In this Nerds ‘R Us, the NC Crew is discussing all of the crazy, fun, exhausting moments from D23 and SDCC 2017! We chat the Nerd Family reunion, Disney’s live action panel, lines, an impromptu Smiles for Smiles – Tangled edition, Artist Alley, Conan taping with the cast of Game of Thrones, the Netflix experience, more lines, the Her Universe Fashion Show, awesome swag, have we mentioned lines, and so much more! Excuse the random well-coordinated coughing fits. We’re still recovering from con-crud.

Nerds ‘R Us: D23 and SDCC 2017

A couple of shout-outs that warrant repeating. To Cruz, Corgi, Nerd Fu, Ashley Eckstein, Lord Mesa, Karen Hallion, Zac Levi, Keisha, and our entire Nerd Family, we love you. Thank you for making this year’s NC nerdventure incredibly special!

And as always, don’t forget to subscribe, like, follow us on all of our social media channels. Thank you for your continued support!

‘Til next time,
The NC Gals

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