A Nerd’s Menagerie: Nerdy TV 2016 Finale Dates

Nerds! We’re approaching the end of another TV season, and many of our nerd shows have us at the edge of our seats! I could name a few, but as River says…
tumblr_n4p91soGhq1sep00so8_500We’ve been hearing queries on when season finales were going to be taking place, so below is a list telling you just that! The list features FOX, ABC, CBS and CW shows of the nerdy persuasion.

Let us know what you’re looking forward to the most and what you’ve thought of the seasons so far! We always like to hear your thoughts on the nerdoms and how they can improve or what you feel they are getting right. We’ve got many shows to look forward to on the horizon, like Preacher on AMC and Houdini and Doyle on FOX. What other shows are you looking forward to?

nerd tv 2016


Friday, May 13: The Vampire Diaries
Monday, May 16: Jane the Virgin
Thursday, May 19: Legends of Tomorrow & The 100
Friday, May 20: The Originals
Tuesday, May 24: The Flash
Wednesday, May 25: Arrow Supernatural

nerdy tv 2016

Tuesday, April 26: Limitless
Sunday, May 8: Elementary
Thursday, May 12: The Big Bang Theory  2 Broke Girls


Thursday, May 12: Scandal
Sunday, May 15: Once Upon a Time  & Quantico
Monday, May 16: Castle
Tuesday, May 17: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

nerd tv 2016

Monday, April 25th Lucifer
Monday, May 9th Gotham

Nerd On!
Screen Shot 2015-06-27 at 3.36.18 PM

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