We are dedicating this week to collaborating.
Collaborations can be challenging,
but push individuals to learn from experience and it can push goals to a higher level.
They almost always prove rewarding.
It’s how we roll here at NC; we always brainstorm ideas together, which is especially helpful if any of us experience writer’s block.
We consistently collaborate; NC is a group effort and we realized many of our favorite endeavors are successful collaborations! We are inspired by many famous collaborative teams like Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh, Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat, or Kathleen Kennedy and well, everyone. Big projects like a Star Wars would obviously have massive teams to make them come about, but we don’t usually have to go far to find people coming together to make something cool!
RT will feature Jams and I doing a Nerdy Fashion post together about nerdy fitness wear. This topic is stemming from the fact that we NC ladies are trying to keep each other accountable on the fitness front. It is very easy to lose track of healthy eating and exercise when working on multiple things, so we are forcing each other to make time as part of our “NC work” time. More on this later.
Rach’s TNT will be on movie scores, and I am joining her on that listing because we are score geeks and I couldn’t pass up the chance to shed light on that fact!
Our Nerds R Us will feature our lovely friend Sandrene Matthews and our new friend Alan Brazzell, who will talk about Less Than Super, their new web series!
Our regularly scheduled program of Nerd News will be posted.
Featuring a fun double feature collaboration between Jen’s Nerdie Foodie and Jamie and her nerdling Aylah’s Nerdy Kidz Corner! Stay tuned for that because it is yummy and adorable!
We often find ourselves wanting to write a little something for someone else’s segment, so this week is so much fun for us. We hope you enjoy our week nerds. <3
Nerd On!