Hello Nerdie Foodies! Easter is coming up next weekend! And what makes Easter than a good old fashioned Easter Egg hunt and consuming the super sweet Peeps? Or if you feel so inclined, create works of art with Peeps. It’s not playing with your food… it’s being creative! This is going to be more of a Nerdie Foodie DIY type of post. It’s time to get your #PeepsNerdity on! Let’s go!
By the way, which came first the Peep or the egg?
The Easter Egg
The good ole Easter Egg. Now whether is going old school and just straight up boiling an egg or making your own super pretty chocolate egg that can hold another chocolate egg and another (you get the idea), both ways are equally amazing!
Chocolate Easter Eggs
Elise Strachan (My Cupcake Addiction) shows us how to make a filigree chocolate egg that can contain another egg or candies inside it! Check out the video below!
Ann Reardon (How to Cook That) shows us how to make 5 different chocolate eggs that can be given as gifts or prizes! There’s even a Fanta inspired chocolate egg too! Check out the video below!
Hard-Boiled Easter Eggs
For those hard-boiled eggs, buy a carton of eggs and get that pot started on the stove! If you need some help with cooking hard-boiled egg, check out this how-to by Elise Bauer (from Simply Recipes) here!
With a little paint and/or markers, you can have endless possibilities on creating your very own nerdy Easter eggs! Check out some of these examples below from Lesley A. Jensen (Deviant Art user: Red-Flare)!

(Photo Credit: Lesley A. Jensen)

(Photo Credit: Lesley A. Jensen)

(Photo Credit: Lesley A. Jensen)

(Photo Credit: Lesley A. Jensen)
And for those whom are very artistically inclined, check out Puigiel Gwainbenn’s (Deviant Art user: PGwainbenn) Transformers inspired Easter Eggs below!

(Photo Credit: Puigiel Gwainbenn)
And for a non-edible version of an Easter Egg, keep an eye out for Nerdy Kidz Corner with Jams and Aylah!
The Peeps
Ahh Peeps! The all too sweet yet modernly traditional Easter treat. What if you could make your own marshmallows at home? What if you can make your own Peeps from scratch? The possibilities are endless! But if you run out of time, no big deal, we can even use up those store bought Peeps in drinks and as artistically as possible!
Homemade Marshmallow
Rachel Fong (Kawaii Sweet World) shows us how to make our very own marshmallows at home for 3 different flavours and she swears that this recipe is much better than the store bought marshmallows. Check out the video below!
Now if you really want to make your homemade marshmallows look like the real-deal-from-the-store Peeps, Ashlee Marie Prisbrey (from Ashlee Marie Cakes) shows us how below! And they really do look like the Peeps from the store, only fresher!
And because these Peeps are homemade, you can really turn them into any shape and design! Check out these superhero Peeps pictures collected from Polite Dissent for inspiration here!
If you can’t seem to make those iconic Peeps shapes, have no fear, ThinkGeek is here to save you with the Minecraft Marshmallow Creeps! Check them out here!

(Photo Credit: ThinkGeek)

(Photo Credit: Polite Dissent)
Kid Friendly Drinks
Yes, Peeps can be used for drinks! Elise Strachan (@cupcakeaddictau) shows us how to make Peepshakes! Peeps + strawberry milkshake = Peepshake. Check out the video below!
This next drink comes directly from the official Peeps website! This is the PEEPS Peach Fizz drink. Check out the recipe here!

(Photo Credit: Peeps)
For those tweens and teens that want something a bit more sophisticated, check out the official PEEPS (Facebook) recipe for the Swimming PEEPS Mocktini here, created by Cathy from Our Mini Family!

(Photo Credit: Peeps/Our Mini Family)
Adult Friendly Drinks
Both the PEEPS Peach Fizz and the Swimming PEEPS Mocktini can be made with additional alcohol to make them adults only drinks. The official Peeps (@PEEPSbrand) shows us how to make the PEEPS Cocktail here, created by Jamie from Love Bakes Good Cakes!

(Photo Credit: Peeps/Love Bakes Good Cakes)
Art and Dioramas
Art and dioramas you say? I answer with yes. Rach summed this up perfectly for me in one sentence:
“That stuff is only meant for making nerdy dioramas”
Even the official Peeps people agree with this as they have an annual Peeps Dioramas & Arts contests in various states in the United States! Check out the local listings and areas here!
Check out these photos of past dioramas for inspiration below (from Comics Alliance)!

(Photo Credit: Jill Yutan)

(Photo Credit: Gnatesgnotes.tumblr.com)

(Photo Credit: Liz Roberts)

(Photo Credit: Mark Rivetti)

(Photo Credit: Anna and Thalia Biglen)
Happy Easter!
Till next time,
Stay nerdalicious!