Nerdie Foodie: Happy Birthday, NC!

Happy days are here Nerdie Foodies! We are super excited to share our 4th birthday with y’all! And it just so happens our birthday falls on Star Wars Day. What a better way than to have all the NC ladies share with you their favourite Star Wars characters! Let’s go!

Jen: R2-D2

As the resident Nerdie Foodie of Nerdy Curiosities, this was a hard one to choose which recipe is my favourite. Hence, Nerdie Foodie.

Cupcake Toppers

So first up, these R2-D2 cupcake toppers ARE they droids you are looking for. This tutorial from Youtuber Koalipops is for the droid topper and you can pair it with your favourite cupcake recipe! Check out this fun tutorial below!

Note: The grey cookie icing looks more like a royal icing consistency, while the other coloured icings look more like buttercream frosting for sugar cookies (essentially icing that is stiff enough to stand up on its own without collapsing).


Mini Cheesecakes

These ones are also super cute!! Only Hani (from Haniela’s) would come up with this genius idea of creating cake art! It’s similar to pancake art (like a reverse transfer), why didn’t we think of that before? And the best part? You don’t need to just stick with R2D2! You can create other nerdy designs for your mini cheesecakes. Check out the tutorial below and the written recipe here!


Jams: Chewbacca

These are Wookie Cookie Cups. With blue milk. Once you’ve tried this, you wouldn’t want blue milk any other way. Thank you, Joanne Lu, (from Disney Family) for giving us this amazing recipe! And yes, the cookie dough is also homemade! Check out the recipe here!

Note: Getting the mold will make things easier, but if you don’t have one, then a mini cupcake or muffin pan will work as well, you just have to mold the cookie dough like you would a homemade pie crust.

(Photo Credit: Disney Family)

Rach: K-2SO

Who wants some decadent, chocolatey brownies that does not come from a box?? Also, they look like K-2SO. This official Star Wars recipe is from Jenn Fujikawa (justJENN) will bring your very own K-2SO into your home! Check out the recipe here!

(Photo Credit: Star Wars)

Roni: Jyn Erso

Feisty. Badass. Woman. Straight from Rogue One, Jyn is a girl after our own hearts by being courageous and fearless while having to overcome a lot in her lifetime. Thanks to Becca Ludlum (from My Crazy Good Life) we have a delicious cocktail to celebrate our 4th birthday! Check out the recipe here so you can celebrate with us!

(Photo Credit: My Crazy Good Life)

And there we have it! We hope you’ve enjoyed the journey that is Nerdy Curiosities, and we hope you keep following us as we navigate the world through our nerdy curious eyes! Happy 4th birthday NC and may the 4th be with you!

‘Til next time,

Stay Nerdalicious!

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