Nerdie Foodie: Doctor Who Edition

Whoooo-eeeee, Foodies! It’s time for some awesomely amazing food and a whole lot timey wimey bevies! So hop into this fabulous tasty TARDIS and allons-y!

Fish Sticks and Custard

For those looking for a savoury version of fish sticks and custard, Food Network’s scientific TV host, Alton Brown! Check out the recipe here!

(Photo Credit: Alton Brown)

For a more sweet/dessert type of fish sticks and custard dish, Darla (from Bakingdom) shares her recipe here!

(Photo Credit: Bakingdom)

Dalek Bread

This just speaks for itself. Chris-Rachael Oseland, with illustrations by Tom Gordon (from Kitchen Overlord) shows us how to make Dalek bread. Check out the recipe here! Mmmm…..carbs….. *happy place*

(Photo Credit: Kitchen Overlord)

Jammy Dodger Cookies

And we can’t forget those jammy dodger cookies! Janel (from NellieBellie) shows us how to make these delicious shortbread cookies with jam centres. Check out the recipe here!

(Photo Credit: NellieBellie)

Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Jello in a Jar

To top off our dessert stomachs, Bakingdom shows us another creative recipe! If you want to see the universe but don’t have a personal TARDIS, check out her recipe here!

(Photo Credit: Bakingdom)


And finally, this wouldn’t be a Nerdie Foodie article without a few boozy ideas to wash down a good meal! Kristina Ackerman (from Knuckle Salad) shows us her creations of the Sonic Screwdriver drink for both Doctors 10 and 11 and a pan-galactice gargle blaster. Check out all three of her recipes here!

To top it all off, Alex (from Doctor Who Cocktails) shows us two unique drinks. First up is the TARDIS-tini. Check out the recipe here!

(Photo Credit: Doctor Who Cocktails)

And for the more adventurous adults in the room, why not bring it full circle and try the Fish Fingers and Custard drink? Courtesy of Doctor Who Cocktails, check out the recipe here! And cheers, to 52 years of Doctor Who!

(Photo Credit: Doctor Who Cocktails)

Stay nerdalicious!


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