Nerd It Forward: Santa Claus

No, this Nerd It Forward isn’t about a jolly old fellow donning a red suit who travels the world on a sleigh pulled by reindeer delivering gifts to all the good girls and boys. Instead, it’s about the spirit of Santa. The spirit that lives in the very people that are around us. The neighbour who shovels the entire sidewalk. The kid who empties their piggy bank into a Salvation Army kettle. The couple who volunteer together at the soup kitchen every Christmas Eve. It’s these acts of kindness that makes me believe in the magic of the holiday season. They embody what Christmas truly means to me. A helping hand. An open heart. The gifts that can’t be wrapped and put under a tree are often the ones that are most needed. So when anyone asks if I still believe in Santa, the answer is irrevocably yes.

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Nerdmas!

‘Til next time,


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