We all know that this is a month to be thankful. Often times people like to Nerd it Forward (or “pay it forward” as the common folk say) to show how thankful they are. On this edition of Nerd it Forward we’re going to talk about Hospital Heroes. Heroes don’t always wear a cape; they come in many forms.
NICU Superheroes
Katie Windsor is a NICU nurse at a North Carolina hospital. After spending her day taking care of preemie infants, she returns home to crochet tiny costumes for them. True, these little tykes have no idea who Batman is, but it gives their parents hope to see their young child who is fighting for life dressed up like a superhero. You can read more on this story here.
Princesses are Heroes Too
A Moment of Magic Foundation is a nonprofit that allows college students to volunteer in children’s hospitals dressed as princesses. This service is completely free of charge providing individual visits, bedside visits, group visits, story readings, and special events. A Moment of Magic’s mission statement is, “restoring the magic of believing at a time when a child needs to ‘just be a kid’ and reminding them to be brave, strong, and fearless” (A Moment of Magic, 2016). You can find out more about services, how to volunteer, and how to donate here.
Where’s Waldo?
Jason Haney is a construction worker in South Bend, IN who decided to start leaving an 8-foot tall cut out of Waldo on site in a different location every day for the kids to spot. He even started a Facebook group for the kids to post when they find him! When you’re a kid staying at a hospital it can be hard to have fun so this hero goes the extra mile to make sure the kiddos are cheered up. The next project he is working on with his daughter is Minion cut-outs! You can keep up with Jason and Waldo on Facebook!
So we’ve visited a bunch of pint-sized superheroes and the superhero nurse who helps them stay strong; we’ve seen how a group of college girls can make a child’s stay at the hospital more magical by dressing up as princesses and becoming heroes in their own rights; and we’ve seen how a construction worker can be a hero for a bunch of kids by making their stay at the hospital more fun. What are you going to do to Nerd it Forward in this month of being thankful? Do you have a story or you or someone you know performing an act of Nerding it Forward? Please share with us!
Stay Nerdy!