Inspiration Monday: The Daily Random at NC

We have been very busy here at Nerdy Curiosities! We are slowly expanding and getting a feel for who we are, what we want to do and where we want to go. For anyone who has ever created a blog, it is a process that incorporates a lot of growing pains! I personally have had many long nights planning blogs in the evening hours while working for full-time in the day. It’s a juggling act that sometimes seems fruitless. I realized after a few weeks, that I needed help, and I was lucky to know some amazing people. Jaime, Rachel and Jenine came to my rescue. They came brimming with ideas and helped my jumbled brain make sense again.

We’re managing a Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest page and are slowly expanding to other medias. We are developing an identity and other graphic details, as well. We are working up a consistent topic schedule for the week. We hope to introduce a few of those new themes this week. We will be in San Diego next week for Nerd HQ, and it’ll be the first time this year we are all together again since last July! Though we talk everyday via FB, we are ecstatic to be together again! We hope to maintain the post schedule while we are in SD.

We will be signing our posts with stamps of our mugs. 🙂 We previewed these on Twitter and FB…these are your NC girls vectorized. Clockwise: Roni (myself), Jenine, Rachel, and Jaime.

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property of nerdy curiosities

I wanted to take a moment and end with a thank you to those who are reading and following us on FB or Twitter or Pinterest! It really means so much! Just two nights ago, I was up late planning things for the blog, exhausted and emotional. I started doubting what I was doing and whether it was worth the effort. I sat down on my bed after a long day when I thought this. Then, my phone buzzed and it was Jenine letting me know that Sharon, @nerdistmom followed us on Twitter. I personally had followed Sharon when she first joined Twitter, and I made sure to follow her via our @nerdycurious, but I didn’t expect a follow. She’s a lovely lady, and of course birthed one of the biggest nerds on Earth, so it’s a big deal to us! Needless to say, it was a much-needed bit sunshine. So, I’m sure I can speak for the rest of the gals here at NC, thanks to those out there visiting our little home on the inter-webs every week. <3 #DontGiveUp


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