Nerdyviews: Avengers Infinity War

infinity wars avengers nerdyviews

Avengers: Infinity War Greetings, Curious Crowd! There really is no need for an introduction for Infinity War. We were left with an odd mixture of… Continue reading

A Nerd’s Menagerie: Disney’s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

!Welcome to another week of October goodness. This week we are shining a light on Spooky Disney. October 16th marks the founding of Disney. As… Continue reading

A Nerd’s Menagerie: Beauty & Film

February is upon us and it seems Valentine’s Day always seems to define the entire month; a romantic month, made for love and beauty or stress and… Continue reading

An Homage: Alan Rickman

It has been a rather difficult week. We woke up Thursday morning with the news that one of the most charismatic, unique, talented artists had lost… Continue reading