Nerds ‘R Us Podcast

Nerds ‘R Us 2.0 Live Podcast

Guess who’s back?! Nerds ‘R Us 2.0 will now be streaming live on Twitch every Thursday beginning at 5 PM Pacific (7 PM Central & 8 PM Eastern). We will have some awesome new guests, some returning familiar faces, and a whole lot of conversation. All episodes will also be archived on our YouTube channel. So if you like what you hear and see, please follow us on Twitch and subscribe to our YouTube!


Nerds ‘R Us (2015-2018)

This (non-podcast) podcast is a segment that’s very near and dear to our hearts. We chat with some of our favorite nerds about their passions and living that nerd life. Here is a playlist of all the interviews we’ve done so far!

Nerds ‘R Us: 60 Episodes

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