A Nerd’s Menagerie: Artsy and Designical Things

Ever have one of those inter-web days where a lot of cool stuff comes your way, but there’s no sensical connection. There’s a few items I’ve come across the past week, that fall into this category. I hope you enjoy.

As a designical nerd, I was following this kickstarter and I am so glad that it was funded! I can’t wait to check it out!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jO5XX9R9f90&w=560&h=315]

I’m a huge fan of double exposure images. These latest additions by Lara Kiosses blending women with flowers. Check out the rest of the collection here.


Design Taxi featured a photographic collaboration called Processed Views by Barbara Ciurej and Lindsay Lochman, where they comment on which the world is moving away from natural food sources. Check out the collection here.



Another kickstarter, I’m quite excited about as a doodler and guilty of writing on many napkins and post-its…Check out Phree.


Found on Vimeo, a gorgeous, animated short called One Bright Dot.

[vimeo 124400795 w=500 h=281]

One Bright Dot from Clément Morin on Vimeo.

Props to London’s Territory Studio, responsible for the gorgeous Age of Ultron UI screen graphics!

[vimeo 126618429 w=500 h=281]

Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron UI Reel from Territory on Vimeo.

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