A Nerd’s Menagerie

Every week, we collect a variety of items from all over the inter-webs to showcase many forms of the nerdy awesomeness out in the universe. We all find different things inspiring, sometimes the simplest things. I hope to add to the list for you and your week gets started right!

As a fan of informational graphics, I had to showcase this “Directory of Fictional U.S. Companies In The Marvel Universe!” via the EmpireFlippers. Thanks to them for another example of nerds + extra time = something awesome!

Speaking of nerds + time…there are tons of awesome videos created by passionate fans. Mike Habjan, is an example. Using his Maya and After Effects skills, this animator has created an awesome encounter!  Check out the meeting below and continue to watch the fights!  Seriously though, Chris Reeves face in The Fight (Part 1) is amazing!!! There are 3 parts up and looking forward to the continuation!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6dj7YCEKhw&w=560&h=315]

I’m sure many of you nerds are familiar with the vs videos from Machinima & BatintheSun. This is an oldie but a goody, and in honor of the official release of the Deadpool trailer last week, here is Batman vs Deadpool!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7X2YXm1-9qE&w=560&h=315]

Featured on Stan the man’s website, another Super Smash Bros video by SoKrispyMedia.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UL6bqhR5eTw&w=560&h=315]

Check out these Seuss-ian / Burton-esque tiny cabins! Read more here.

The winners of the 2015 National Geographic Traveler Photo contest were announced last week. You can view all of the entries here. See the gorgeous first place winning photo below.


Whale Whispers by Anuar Patjane Category: Outdoor Scenes via National Geographic

Check out @WalkerNation1‘s latest #SoloSession with the lovely and most inspiring, Sharon @NerdistMom. She’s a fantastic lady. Listening to her talk about different things as well as her parenting view point, really reminded me of my mom! Made me love her even more! Take a listen here and give her a follow, join the family 🙂

Enjoy Nerds!
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